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Sermon Series

What Is God Up To?

Erwin W. Lutzer

At times, the world around us seems to be falling apart. Earthquakes, suffering, famine, and global tragedies raise questions in our mind. Is God really in control? Why does He allow these things to happen? Every day people are confronted with such issues. These messages focus on God's overall plan and purpose, and on our role as human beings in the vast scheme of cosmic events.


Sermon 01

When God Was Alone

October 21, 1990

The greatest sin is to ignore God. We were created for His glory.

Sermon 02

Lucifer’s Greatest Blunder

October 28, 1990

God is proving the total futility of any being that stands in opposition to Him.  

Sermon 03

The Casualty Of Mankind

November 4, 1990

God wants to take the lowest sinners and make them the highest saints.  

Sermon 04

God At War

November 11, 1990

God is at war, and neutrality is not an option.  Are we for Him or against Him?  

Sermon 05

Dying A Winner

November 18, 1990

More of God’s character was seen in the cross than in creation.  

Sermon 06

Souls In Conflict

November 25, 1990

Every trial asks us to choose God.  

Sermon 07

The Final Battle

December 2, 1990

Evil seems to be winning in the world, but God has written the last page of the story.  

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