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Crucial Questions About The Will Of God

Jonah—God In The Hands Of An Angry Sinner

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | September 14, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

Jonah is an example of someone who had difficulty with the will of God—he wrestled with it and tried to run from it. Because believers have a living relationship with God, we can be reconciled to Him, even after we’ve run away. Pastor Wiersbe encourages us to turn back to the Word of God and find delight in following His ways.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

There are three ways to learn: explanation, example, and experience.

Jonah is an example of someone who had difficulty with the will of God.

Jonah wrestled with the will of God and tried to escape it.

How much can believers get in God’s way?

Three lessons about the will of God:

  • Jonah teaches us a lesson in discovering God’s will.
    • Any good feeling that is contrary to the Word of God is a bad idea in disguise.
    • Because we have a living relationship with God, we can be reconciled even after we turn away.
    • No one can know the will of God without the Word of God.
    • Anything in our lives that disobeys the Bible is outside the will of God.
    • The minute we cease being thankful, we become disobedient.
  • Jonah teaches us a lesson about defying God’s will.
    • In the book of Jonah, all of creation obeyed God, except for Jonah.
    • Man can only obstruct God’s will immediately but not ultimately.
    • When Jonah began to defy the will of God, God disciplined
    • God will not allow His children to become rebels, even if He has to kill them.
    • God chastens those whom He loves.
    • God will always accomplish His purposes on Earth, but He also wants to lovingly bring us back into His will that we might experience the blessings.
  • Jonah teaches us a lesson about delighting in God’s will.
    • The will of God is ultimately tied to the winning of lost souls.
    • God’s greatest will for the church is to go into all the world to win the lost.
    • We were made to enjoy God’s will not endure it.

What is your relationship to the will of God?

Our relationship with the will of God should be one of willingly growing, following, and serving Him.

Tell us why you valued this sermon.
