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Romans 8

History Is His Story

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | July 4, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

God is an encourager. He encourages believers by reminding us what He has done for us. Even though we know all things work together for good, we sometimes don’t see it when we’re in the middle of a trial. But God has a purpose in what He is doing and allowing in our lives, and ultimately He will succeed. God’s plan to make us more like His Son should humble us and make us want to serve Him.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

God governs in the affairs of men.

In Romans 8 God is encouraging believers by telling them what He has done for them.

God doesn’t keep us out of difficulties, but He brings us through the difficulties.

Three magnificent encouragements to keep us going when the going gets tough:

  • God is working (Romans 8:28).
    • We know all things work together for good even when we don’t see it.
    • We walk by faith, not by sight.
    • God is working for believers through the Holy Spirit.
    • God is working completely, constantly, and coherently. He works in all things, not some things.
  • God is working according to plan (Romans 8:29).
    • God has a purpose in what He is doing.
    • God’s two purposes are His glory and our good.
    • Trials plus faith make people better.
    • God’s ultimate goal is to make us more like Jesus.
  • God’s plan is going to succeed (Romans 8:30).
    • Foreknowledge means to choose beforehand.
    • God chose to love us before we were born.
    • Those God chose, He predestined to become like Christ.
    • Those whom God calls, He also justifies.
    • We can be as sure of heaven today as if we were already there.
    • God’s plan starts with eternity past and nothing can stop His plan from continuing into eternity future.
    • One day we will be with God in glory.

God’s plan humbles us and makes us want to serve Him.

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