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Sermon Series

One Minute After You Die

A Preview of Your Final Destination

Erwin W. Lutzer

These messages will answer intriguing questions about your final destination, such as: How shall we interpret near death experiences? What will heaven be like? Do our friends in heaven know how we are doing on Earth? What will be different when we get to heaven? What stays the same? To what extent is our own death planned by God? And, how can we die well?


Sermon 01

A Glimpse Behind The Curtain

August 18, 1991

Those who don’t want to believe the Word of God seek comfort in the devices of Satan. Reincarnation and channeling are just two of them.

Sermon 02

The Descent Into Gloom

May 18, 1997

Your eternal destiny is determined and irrevocably set in this life. So where will you be one minute after you die?

Sermon 03

The Ascent Into Glory

May 25, 1997

Death is the doorway by which God invites us to something far better than anything in this life: personal fellowship with Him in heaven.

Sermon 04

Welcome! You Have Arrived

June 1, 1997

Heaven will be the destination for those who’ve trusted Christ alone as their Savior. Where will you be one minute after you die?

Sermon 05

Living In The New Jerusalem

June 8, 1997

Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them.

Sermon 06

Can Modern Man Believe In Hell?

June 22, 1997

Just as there are different rewards in heaven for Christians, there will be different punishments in hell for non-Christians.

Sermon 08

Questions And Answers


Pastor Lutzer, appearing on Open Line, takes questions from listeners on the topic of One Minute After You Die.

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