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Sermon Series

The King Is Coming

Preparing to Meet Jesus

Erwin W. Lutzer

The return of Christ is the hope of every Christian. Indeed, the New Testament teaches that we should live our entire lives with the return of Christ in mind. “Beloved we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure” (1 John 3:2-3).

This series is intended to change our lives by changing our focus. These messages won’t attempt to answer all the questions and differences about the details of prophecy. Instead they will provide a basic outline of future events and increase our love for Christ as we joyfully await His appearing.


Sermon 02

The King Judges Us

September 19, 2010

Christians will be judged on the blessings that God gave us, the opportunities we had, and what we did with them.

Sermon 03

The King Marries His Bride

September 26, 2010

Jesus is the only groom who laid down His life for His bride, then was resurrected that He might be able to redeem, cleanse, and marry her.

Sermon 04

The King Tolerates His Rival

October 24, 2010

Antichrist will control the world religiously, politically, economically. Behind him will be a cultural stream no one can stand against.

Sermon 05

The King Judges Those Left Behind

October 10, 2010

We have domesticated God. During the Tribulation, we’ll find out that our attempts to make God into our image didn’t work.

Sermon 06

The King Destroys Nations

October 17, 2010

When God begins to wrap up history, everything will be centered around Israel.

Sermon 07

The King Returns To Conquer

October 31, 2010

The sun is darkened. There is no light from the moon. Yet every eye will see the coming of Christ. Are you prepared for His return?

Sermon 08

The King Reigns In His Kingdom

November 7, 2010

When you pray, “Thy kingdom come,” are you truly prepared for what will happen should the King come today?

Sermon 10

The King Invites Us To Reign With Him

November 21, 2010

New Jerusalem will be the eternal home of the redeemed, and God Himself will dwell there. We’ll have direct, physical access to God.

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