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Sermon Series

Identity Traps

Nine Ways We Lose Ourselves And How Jesus Makes Us Whole

Philip Miller

Everyone seems to be talking about “identity” these days. But what is “identity”?

In this series, Pastor Miller gives us a biblical framework for understanding “identity” by looking at the stories of nine different characters in the Bible and how they tried to build their identities in all the wrong places—identity traps. He’ll help us discern which of our three deep identity needs—significance, security, or satisfaction— can become a pitfall for us.

Everyone falls into these identity traps, but Pastor Miller shows us that we are not orphans fending for themselves, trying to find where we fit. As believers in Christ, we are children of God, and the identity Christ gives us provides a wholeness only God can give. Imagine what a difference it would make if we lived like beloved children of a good, heavenly Father!

Download ID Verses (pdf format): 15 Key Verses for our deep soul needs. 

Download the Identity Traps Schema: Nine Ways We Lose Ourselves And How Jesus Makes Us Whole.


Sermon 01

Mapping Our Hearts

January 8, 2023

The ultimate source of our significance, security, and satisfaction was made to be found in God.

Sermon 03

Jacob: Seeking Significance Through Power

January 22, 2023

The true significance our souls long for comes not through power, but through frailty; not through control, but through surrender; not through strength, but through weakness.

Sermon 07

Naaman: Seeking Security Through Possessions

March 5, 2023

Naaman’s illness ran more than skin deep. On the outside he was leprous, but inside a far deadlier disease had taken hold—his heart was infected with pride.

Sermon 11

Living As A Child Of God

April 2, 2023

Our truest, our fullest, our deepest, most abiding, thick, durable, robust identity is found in the simple reality of living as a child of God.

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