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Resources About Death

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Information about what to expect after death, how to face death, and how our deaths can glorify God.

Blog Post

Jesus Teaches Us How To Die | Cries From the Cross #9

Death appeared to have the last word. But when it looked like He was powerless on the cross, Jesus was still in control, willingly giving himself into the Father’s hands. Pastor Lutzer points to the hand of God in Jesus’ example of death and work of redemption. If we are in God’s hands, we never face death the same way again. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with … Read More >

Blog Post

How Christians Face Unexpected Death | Welcomed By Jesus #1

Everyone will die but no one knows when or how their time will come. Is there more to death than meets the eye? Pastor Lutzer indicates three truths from the death of the first Christian martyr, Stephen. Whether grieving a sudden loss or considering our own death, Christians possess an enduring assurance.  Learn more with Pastor Lutzer about death and the Christian here. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to 5 … Read More >

Blog Post

What’s The Bible’s Most Terrifying Teaching? | The King Is Coming #20

Where will we end up after the end-times? God created all of us as immortal beings, but the future is dreadful for every sinner who doesn’t have the righteousness that God requires. Pastor Lutzer answers three burning questions about the Bible’s most chilling doctrine: hell. Throughout history, preachers have either avoided or dreaded this critical reality. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." If you were … Read More >

Blog Post

Day 25 – The Way Prepared

Today’s Reading: John 14:1-7Today’s Reference: Revelation 1:17b-18 “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.”   “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” Those who haven’t accepted Christ’s redeeming work have every reason to fear death. Every last affront to God’s holiness will be paid for with their personal suffering—for eternity. But if we have accepted Christ, we have nothing to fear. Jesus has gone ahead of us to prepare the way, and when we die … Read More >

Blog Post

Day 14 – Saved and Unsaved

Today’s Reading: Luke 23:39-43Today's Reference: Matthew 12:30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”   “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Do you realize that both thieves offer up a prayer? The unrepentant thief said, “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us.” That’s a prayer. He wasn’t so concerned about eternity. He said, “Just get me off this cross.” He prayed and yet was lost forever, because he cared only for physical deliverance in the here and now. One thief hung … Read More >

Blog Post

Do Babies Go To Heaven? | God Loves Justice #2

If all God’s ways are just, what do we make of children who die prematurely? Many wonder how God will rightly judge babies and young children. Pastor Lutzer ponders essential Scriptures on children’s conception, personal accountability, and destiny. As we bring these honest questions to God, we can leave it in His hands. Originally Published: July 8, 2019 Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Hi. Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." … Read More >

Blog Post

How Christians Confidently Prepare To Die | Welcomed By Jesus #3

We all wonder what it will be like to die. The martyr, Stephen, embodied the Christian hope as he was welcomed by Jesus into heaven. Pastor Lutzer ponders God’s will in death, as we commit our souls to the Lord. Although we can’t know how our death will take place, can we know with certainty that we are in God’s hands?  Learn more with Pastor Lutzer about death and the Christian here. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook … Read More >

Blog Post

What Makes Our Eternal Home Heavenly? | The King Is Coming #21

We long for the day when sin, suffering, and death will be no more. Yet to consider eternity is beyond anything we can fully grasp or express. Pastor Lutzer responds to common questions about heaven, highlighting the wonder of God’s presence. What if the glories of heaven could bring hope to our troubled souls? Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to 5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer! Thanks for joining us again. … Read More >

Blog Post

The Attributes of God | Week 27: Just

Is there an age of accountability? How does God judge children who die? What does a just God do with babies who pass away? This week, Pastor Lutzer encourages us to trust God's justice even in life's most difficult circumstances. "The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he."- Deuteronomy 32:4 Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Spotify On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel … Read More >

Blog Post

Day 24 – In the Father’s Hands

Today’s Reading: Luke 23:46Today’s Reference: John 10:28-29 “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my had. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, an no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.” “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” Jesus’ life wasn’t taken from Him. He delivered it up at precisely the moment He chose; it was the moment He had suffered the full measure of wrath for our sins and His work was done. Now He says … Read More >

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