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Resources About Death

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Information about what to expect after death, how to face death, and how our deaths can glorify God.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m struggling with the concept of God’s sovereignty. I’ve always thought that God had plan A, or B, or C, …


Marilyn, you’re absolutely right, the difference is critical, not superficial.

I hate to say this over the radio because I …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


When a loved one dies (especially an infant) and goes to heaven, will they remain that age when we meet …


Lynette, I want you to know that the Bible nowhere specifically says this, but I have a very deep conviction …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


After Jesus is resurrected in the book of Matthew, it’s recorded that some people who were dead were also resurrected. …


Well Desmond, your guess is as good as mine. The Bible doesn’t tell us what happened to those people.

All …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Should Christians be cremated? Are there any biblical passages about this?


Well Steve you’ve asked a very interesting and important question, and it’s a question that I approach with caution.

I …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My husband of 40 years died on March 26, 2006. I'm having trouble adjusting to life without him.

He was …


Well Peggy, I just want to say first of all, that I send you my sympathy and my prayers.

It’s …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I'm considering leaving my body to science. I figure if it can be of use to anybody, then that would …


Zena, thank you for your question. First of all, if you want to leave your body to science, I think …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I can accept most of the doctrines taught by Christians, but I can’t accept the doctrine of an eternal hell …


Well William you certainly have chosen a very, very difficult question for me to answer. And it’s one I’m sure …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Pastor Lutzer, if person commits suicide, will they go to hell?

And, would you classify suicide as self-murder?


Joseph, the answer to your second question is yes, I do believe that suicide is self-murder.

A person who commits …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I hope you can help me, Pastor Lutzer. Are Sheol and Hades two separate compartments?

Do we stay in Sheol …


Wow Nancy, after listening to your question I want to indeed say, wow.

I have a couple of comments for …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Do you think our souls go to God when we die, or do they sleep with our body until the …


Trish, thank you so much for your question. You know, I receive a lot of literature and questions from people, …

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