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Sermon Series

What Would Jesus Do?

Erwin W. Lutzer

Becoming more like Christ should be the focus of every believer. The first step in that process is to learn what Christ is like through what is recorded in the Gospels. As we learn what Jesus would do when faced with the everyday trials of life, the Holy Spirit can begin to pattern our lives after our Savior.


Sermon 01

What Would Jesus Do?

January 8, 1989

Are we ready to make some really tough choices in Jesus’ favor?  

Sermon 02

Following Christ Into The Desert

January 15, 1989

Prayer isn’t just a time of presenting requests. Prayer is a time of spiritual conflict, communion, and commitment.

Sermon 04

Seeking What Is Lost

January 29, 1989

We serve the God who seeks, welcomes, and transforms sinners.

Sermon 05

Changing Our Community

February 12, 1989

As salt and light, we must keep the world from complete darkness and decay.

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