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This Way To Happiness

What To Do Until The King Comes

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 31, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

Jesus closes the Beatitudes by comparing Christians to salt and light. By transforming us from clay to salt and from dark to light, we must now share that salt and light of Christ with our dark and decaying world. And we must do so without becoming contaminated by the world.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Jesus closes the Beatitudes by comparing Christians to salt and light.

Four insights salt and light give us into the Christian life.

  • Insight into our salvation
    • When Jesus comes into our lives, He transforms us from clay to salt.
    • Once we were darkness, but Jesus turns us into light.
    • Jesus isn’t telling us to be salt and light; He is saying that is who we are in Him.
  • Insight into the world in which we’re living
    • If I am salt, and the world needs me, then the world is decaying.
    • If I am light, and the world needs me, then the world is in darkness.
    • One of the first steps of getting out of the will of God is not accepting the Word of God.
    • People are dark and decaying mentally and spiritually.
  • Insight into our ministry
    • Salt hinders corruption; it does not solve it.
    • Our presence on Earth should keep it from rotting.
    • The Christian faith has seasoned every part of life.
    • Salt stings and penetrates people with the truth.
    • Salt should not lose its taste when it touches the world.
    • Salt makes people thirsty.
    • The good deeds that the Lord does through us are light to the rest of the world.
    • We are to let the world know why we do good works.
    • Salt is a hidden ministry of character, and it cannot be separated from the open conduct ministry of light.
    • Character produces conduct, and conduct reveals character.
    • Salt and light exist to be spent.
  • Insight into the dangers we must avoid.
    • We are in danger of our salt losing its flavor and our light being hidden.
    • We must live in the world without being contaminated by it.
    • If our motive for good works is anything other than glorifying God, we will be contaminated.
    • We cannot isolate from the world because it needs our saltiness.

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