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This Way To Happiness

The Appetite That Counts

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | July 6, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

We’ve all heard that we are what we eat. That certainly applies to our spiritual lives. Jesus Himself tells us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Pastor Wiersbe tells us that we must let the righteousness of Christ infiltrate every aspect of our being so that we can more readily detect then reject the sin in our lives.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Food and water are necessities for life. If this is true physically, it’s even more true for our spiritual lives.

We are what we eat spiritually and well as physically.

Jesus is talking about our need to hunger for holiness, which leads to happiness.

  • Hunger
    • We must take care of the outer man the same way we take care of the inner man.
    • Hunger and thirst for righteousness and the things of God shows you are spiritually alive.
    • Hunger and thirst lead to strength and growth.
    • What is your appetite for?
    • The thing you are hungering after is the thing that runs your life.
    • What is the thing you sacrifice for and think about?
    • We will never be satisfied by something other than God.
  • Holiness
    • Imputation means God takes the righteousness of Jesus and puts it on our account.
    • God gives us an eternal righteousness so that we may see God as He is.
    • Let the righteousness of Christ infiltrate every aspect of our being.
    • If your heart is going to detest sin, your mind must detect sin. If your mind is going to recognize sin, the will must reject sin.
    • Our everyday life takes on a different kind of goal.
  • Happiness
    • Our happiness should be found in holiness.
    • Holiness helps us avoid the pain of sin.
    • Holiness brings us blessing and makes us more like Jesus Christ.
    • We should seek to be holy because it pleases and glorifies God the Father.
    • There is no growing in holiness apart from the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
    • The Spirit takes the Word of God and uses it to reveal the Son of God and make us more like Him.

A hunger for righteousness leads to holiness and happiness—a joy and peace that the world cannot understand.

If we are hungry for God’s holiness, He will satisfy us.

To be filled with righteousness means to be satisfied and controlled by righteousness rather than sin.

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