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Ten Lies About God

The Lie That God Does Not Know Our Future Decisions

Erwin W. Lutzer | November 7, 1999

Selected highlights from this sermon

Some theologians in today’s world believe the lie that God’s knowledge about the future is finite—He doesn’t know our decisions until we make them. If that’s true, then God would be nothing more than a chess player, reacting to our every move.

Pastor Lutzer walks us through the flaws of this belief, showing that when we deny that God knows all things—including the decisions we are going to make—then we have to fine-tune and adjust our theology to harmonize it with that error.

And it doesn’t take long before we realize that this false doctrine undermines the Word of God and His predictions, and ultimately, it will undermine our confidence in Him.

Let’s begin today by taking an imaginary journey. Let us suppose that someone has been following you ever since you were born and accurately recording everything you have ever done. Let us suppose that this knowledge is so accurate that it includes the number of times that you have flipped your eyelids, and the number of steps that you have taken. All of the decisions that you have made would all be recorded in minute detail. Let’s suppose also that every word that you have ever spoken would be recorded and transcribed – all words. The good words and the bad words are all there.

Now I read somewhere that the average person speaks enough in a lifetime to fill a good-sized library. Now I know some people, I think, whose library is a lot bigger than others, and sometimes it’s not necessarily related to their age. But nevertheless imagine hundreds of volumes with everything that you have ever said, every word breathed, whispered or shouted. But let us suppose also that this library were to include all of your thoughts, that stream of consciousness that pours through your mind all of the hours that you are awake, the good, the bad and the ugly. Now imagine the number of volumes about you because that library would be bigger than the other two put together because most people think before they talk or even act. Imagine it!

Now let’s suppose that it not only included that knowledge but knowledge that was potential about you that would be true of you if you had been brought up in a different home, a different country, under different circumstances and you would have reacted differently. Let’s suppose that all that knowledge was also a part of this library. Now we’re not just talking about thousands of volumes. Now we’re talking about millions of volumes all about you and what you would have done in every conceivable situation on Planet Earth. All the decisions that you have made are all there.

Now let me ask you a question. Do you think that God had all that knowledge about you already a thousand years ago? Did God know you that thoroughly, or could it be that there are all kinds of things that God didn’t know about you until you showed up on the scene? He had no idea what decisions you were going to make until you were alive and made them.

In evangelical circles today there is a debate, and the debate is whether or not God knows the decisions of free creatures ahead of time. Some of these theologians are saying that God is like a superior chess player, and we are the amateurs. Now if you’re playing chess you don’t know what that amateur is going to do, but you do know that you have thought of various potentialities. And if he moves here then you’re going to counteract the move there. But there’s no way for you to predict what his next move is going to be. That’s the way in which they view God.

Now, as you know, this is a series of messages titled Ten Lies About God (and how you already might be deceived). We’ve covered such lies that are as diverse (and I will not mention them all) as the lie that God is more tolerant than He used to be, the lie that God has never suffered. Last time we covered the lie that God takes no responsibility for natural disasters. And today we come to another lie – the lie that God does not foreknow the decisions that we will make, and therefore He has to wait until we make them. That’s the lie.

I can imagine that there is somebody here who says, “Well, you know, these theologians are always trying to think of some little thing to discuss. Why don’t you think about something important for a change?” What if I were to tell you that this doctrine actually impinges upon your salvation? What if I were to tell you that it undercuts all possibility that you can daily trust God? What if I were to tell you that at the end of the day it is an assault on Christian theology?

Let’s suppose that there would be a missile that would leave a silo in Colorado for Moscow, and it’s only off by one degree. I can imagine that there are some scientists who say, “You know, what’s all the fuss? I mean one degree? I mean there are 360 degrees in a circle. What’s one degree? Let them have their error.” By the time it gets to Moscow it’s missed its target by hundreds of miles. Sometimes one degree matters. Sometimes one theological error matters. This one does.

Well, let me give you a brief history, and I just was thinking this morning about the privilege that I have to preach here at Moody Church, and I just want to look into your eyes for a moment and tell you something. I would rather preach here than any place I have ever preached in the entire world. (applause) First of all, the very fact that you folks put up with me is a wonderful experience for me. But also, you actually listen to these theological discourses, which I think is remarkable. In fact, the experts tell us that’s not supposed to happen. You can’t do this type of thing in church, we’re being told. Well, somehow it’s happening here and you folks just keep showing up. Thank you!

I’d like to begin today by getting a bit into the history of where this idea began that God is finite with respect to knowledge. What is its history? Is it biblical? What impact does it have? And then we’re going to talk about God’s knowledge of us specifically. By the time we’re finished there’ll be something here for all of us. Trust me!

The early Greeks had this view of god (their gods plural). They wanted to have such radical human freedom that not even their gods could control what they would do, and not only control their actions, but these gods would not know in advance what anyone would do. They wanted to be free even from the knowledge that God would have about their intimate decisions.

During the time of the Reformation there was a man by the name of Faustus Socinus, and he actually interacted with the reformers. And he took this idea, and he believed that the Bible was the word of God and those things that he believed were authoritative, and he rejected the rest. But one of the things that he said is that God is not omniscient. That is to say that God does not know everything. And then he redefined omniscience, however, this way. He said, “God is omniscient as long as we understand that He knows all things that can be known, but the decisions that we are going to make, since they have not yet happened, are unknowable to God, so yes,” he said, “I believe in omniscience if it is redefined.”

In our country William James is perhaps the greatest example of a believer in a finite God and God’s finite knowledge. May I quote his words directly? He said, “He cannot foresee exactly what any one actual move of His adversary might be. He knows, however, of the possible moves of the latter, and He knows in advance how to meet each one by a move of His own.” There you get the idea of a chess game. God doesn’t know what your move is going to be but He has some ideas in mind and will counter your move once you make yours. Williams James, in another text, talks about the fact that God is indeed finite and said that we have to help Him fight evil because He is so finite He might not be able to pull it off on His own.

Now that leads me to some evangelical theologians who want to be known as people who believe in the Bible, to teach in our schools, and they would like to say that they accept at least that part of James’ teaching, and that part of what was known as Socinianism. For example, Clark Pinnock at McMaster Divinity College in Canada! I was just thinking about this the other day and took out time to do a little bit of math. You know, I’ve always said that when it comes to arithmetic, as long as I’m right ninety percent of the time, who in the world cares about the other five percent? But I did a little bit of math and discovered it’s been nearly 30 years since I studied under Clark Pinnock. I had a course from him here in Chicago. He was a wonderful, delightful man – interesting, engaging, and an in many ways a very modeled individual, but even then I strongly disagreed with what he was trying to teach us because it was in those days that he was forming the ideas that he has now written about so extensively. And he and I had some very interesting discussions.

Let me quote him on this point. “God interacts with His creatures in a changing situation. He learns about our decisions as they happen – not before they happen. His experience of the world is open and He is involved in the ongoing cause of events.” And so Pinnock has been a leading light, wanting still to be called an evangelical, denying that God knows the decisions of free creatures.

More recently, Greg Boyd, who teaches at Bethel College, has written along these lines. Quote: “If we have been given freedom, we create the reality of our own decisions by making them so God can’t foreknow the good and the bad decisions of the people He creates until He creates those people and they create their decisions. The free will is such that God can’t know what we’re going to do until we do it.”

You know, in the history of theology there has been a debate between what is known as Arminianism and Calvinism. There was a man by the name of Jacob Arminius who said that we have free will, and therefore when the Bible says that God elects people, He elects them on the basis of His foreknowledge, but we have freedom of the will. On the other side were Calvin and some of those other theologians who said, “Well, if our will were completely as free as you want it to be, none of us would believe. Thankfully it’s not. God invades our will and shows us the truth and gives us the grace to believe.”

Alright, you have a Jonathan Edwards as a Calvinist, for example, and you have John Wesley, the great revivalist who was more Arminian. Now I need to tell you that both of those streams of thought are in theology, and both of them are considered to be within the circle of evangelicalism. You can believe one or you can believe the other, and you can be known as an Evangelical. The problem is that this view that we’re talking about this morning goes much more beyond that because traditional Arminianism and Calvinism together always believed that God knew in detail the decisions that people would make. That was never in dispute. Today it is.

What motivates people? What makes them want to say that God does not know our decisions? I don’t want to be too hard on them, but I would like to say that they are agenda driven. Number one, this radical view of freedom! We want to be so free that not even God knows what we’re going to decide. You see, they fear this. If God knew that Cain was going to kill Abel, then somehow it had to happen. It was fixed. There was a certain amount of inevitability. And so if God didn’t know, well then there’s more freedom. If God did not know that Lucifer was going to sin, why then indeed Lucifer had more freedom because it was not known ahead of time. They want to have a view of freedom that is found nowhere in the Bible.

I think it isn’t too strong to say you could take your Bible and open it arbitrarily to any page, to any chapter, and I will show you either a verse or an implication that shows that their view of freedom is wrong. But that’s one of their agendas.

Let me give you another. They believe that if God is finite with respect to knowledge, then the problem of evil becomes more solvable because He is more distant from it. If God did not know that Lucifer was going to sin, if He did not know that Adam and Eve were going to sin, and there was no way for Him to know it because after all they are free, then God somehow is removed and less responsible for what is going on in the world. The more ignorant He is, the less likely we are able to trace His purposes for evil back to Him. So what they’d like to do is to remove God and make Him more of an interested observer rather than an active player in the decisions that human beings make.

Well, some of you know, of course, that this point of view is miles from where I’m at, and next time I’m preaching the most challenging message of the whole series. It’s the lie that the fall of man actually ruined God’s plan, so you be here next time. But now meanwhile let’s talk about today. You know, if you had a violin, and I discovered that there are four strings in a violin. There are four strings. That’s what my Encyclopedia Britannica says. World Book! If you have four strings in a violin and one of them is out of tune (badly out of tune) you have to do one of two things. Either you have to tune it to put it in line with the others, or else you have to adjust all three strings so that they will harmonize with the one that is out of tune. And here’s what I’d like to suggest to you today. When we deny that God knows all things, including the decisions that we are going to make, we have to fine tune our theology, and adjust other parts of it so that it might be in harmony with this error.

Now what I’d like to do in the next few moments is to show you how that happens. For example, I’d like to show that believing in a finite God is actually, first of all, a compromise of the Word of God. I have my Bible open to Isaiah 46, and I want you to notice that the prophet has something to say. And in a moment we are going to be turning back, I believe it is, to Isaiah 42, but let’s begin with Isaiah 46. What does the Word of God say about how much God knows? That’s the issue.

You’ll notice it says here in verse 9 of chapter 46: “Remember the former things of old.” Oh I love these passages. You know, I’ve been sort of absorbing the passages in Isaiah, beginning in about chapter 41 to 46 or 47, about God. These are just marvelous.

“Remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.’”

Wow! It takes your breath away. But notice the phrase, “Declaring (I make known) the end from the beginning.” Now listen. This is just between us. We’re not in church. We’re having coffee together, and you’ve just put your cup right next to the chair and you are looking into my eyes. Let me ask you something. How could God say He knows the end from the beginning if He did not know that Lucifer was going to fall? I mean how did He say He knows the end from the beginning if He wasn’t sure whether or not Adam and Eve would sin, and was kind of hoping they wouldn’t and then had to respond once they had?

You know, it’s interesting that in the book here in Isaiah, God actually uses His foreknowledge to separate Himself from false gods. This is now in Isaiah 41. And you know we don’t taunt one another today because we think that that is so disgraceful, but God loves to taunt false gods. The Scriptures are filled with God shouting challenges to them, and even making fun of them. And this is one example.

In Isaiah 41:21 it says: “Set forth your case, says the Lord; bring your proofs, says the King of Jacob. Let them bring them, and tell us what is to happen. Tell us the former things, what they are, that we may consider them, that we may know their outcome.”

You idols, You tell Me what’s going to happen. Notice verse 23: “Tell us what is to come hereafter, that we may know that you are gods. Give us some information.” Why is God ridiculing these idols this way because they are like Greek gods? They don’t know what is going to happen. Well, what God is saying is, “I want you to know I can tell you exactly what is going to happen.”

It goes on to say that those who trust in these false gods are less then nothing, and your works are less than nothing and those who choose you are detestable. And that was God’s opinions of gods who did not know the future.

Perhaps it is more than of passing interest of Clark Pinnock whom I, in many respects, admire who long ago left the inerrancy of the Bible and now claims that there are errors in the Bible because once you begin, you know, on a certain train, and once you take your ticket, you have to take this all the way to the station. Now there are some theologians who say, “No, we maintain inerrancy and we still believe that God does not know the future decisions of free creatures,” and I’ll just let them, and accept their word for it. But how long can you interpret passages according to your theological desires and still hold to inerrancy? That’s a good question that I think needs to be raised.

Let me tell you that another problem with it is the predictions of God. Do you know that according to their theology, and they state explicitly (and there are a number of theologians who are now accepting this) that Jesus did not know infallibly that Judas would betray Him, there was no way that He could know that? Judas could have backed out at the last minute. He could have simply said, “You know what? Come to think of it I’m going to rethink this and I’m not going to do what I was planning to do.” We do that all the time. Judas could have done that.

I want you to notice, and I don’t even have time to ask you to turn to these passages (I have a friend who is preaching eight messages on this business of a finite God, and I thought to myself, “If I could have at least six that would be wonderful.”), but notice this. It says this in Matthew 26:52. Judas had just betrayed Jesus. Peter is taking his sword and he’s cutting off the ear of the servant of the high priest. Jesus said, “Do you not think that I can call on my Father and He will at once put at my disposal more than 12 legions of angels?” How then would the Scripture be fulfilled that say that this must happen in this way?

Do you remember that years ago (I don’t expect you to remember, but I do. I remember my sermons better than you folks do I think.) I preached an entire message on that little word must. These things must come to pass. You know, Jesus couldn’t have known that Judas would betray Him according to this theology, but it gets worse than that. God did not know for sure that Christ would be crucified because everybody could have backed out. The Jews might have said, “Well, you know He’s giving us trouble, but there are some people who are for them. He’s not worth the trouble. Let Him go.” And the Romans would have been happy to oblige. And here Jesus comes to earth to die, and there’s nobody to put Him to death because God thought they were going to do it and then they changed their minds. And now He’s stuck with a redemption that isn’t working.

Clark Pinnock says, “Well, God has Plan A, and if Plan A doesn’t work, then He goes to Plan B.” My dear friend, if He fails with Plan A, what assurance do we have of Plan B or Plan C, or whatever? I mean, think of the implications. What does the Bible say? We’ll look at this next week.

Acts 4: “Him He was offered by the predetermined council of God, and Him you crucified.” And in chapter 2 of Acts, Peter says, “By the foreknowledge of God and as your will was done, He was offered.” He died at the right time. There were no risks. God was not in heaven saying, “I hope somebody is going to do the deed but I’m not sure.” What kind of a God is that, which leads me to another question?

Oh, by the way, did you know that God (just put this in your mind here) 100 years before Cyrus was born named him and predicted his most important foreign policy decision? That’s in Isaiah 44 and 45. One hundred years before he was born! Now listen, in order for God to do that do you know what He needed to do? He needed to not only know that Cyrus was going to come to the throne and have a conflict and win so that he would be king of Persia, but He had to know who Cyrus’s parents were, and who his grandparents would be, and their grandparents, and all the way back. And all according to this line it had to be that Cyrus had to be born. He had to rise to be king of Persia, and then God says that when he’s king, he’s going to let the Jews go back.

One hundred fifty years later when he became the king, he did what God said. And do you know what it says in Isaiah? God said, “The reason I’m naming him ahead of time is because I want you to know that I’m different from all the other gods around you that don’t know the future.” Of course God knows the future. What about the faith? It undermines the Word of God. It undermines the predictions of God, and it totally undermines confidence in God – totally.

Now folks, you need to think about this. Here you are. You’re driving along a highway and someone who is inebriated (to speak more clearly he is drunk) is going along the highway at 70 miles an hour. God has no more idea where this is all going to end up than the helicopter number two that is hovering above the man who is driving. That’s all that God knows. He has no idea because how in the world do you predict the decision of free creatures? And nobody is more free than someone who is drunk going 70 miles an hour. So God has no idea.

Wouldn’t you know it, however? You are coming along the other side of the street and that man turns in and hits you and you are dead! Just like that! Now suddenly, much to God’s surprise, you arrive in heaven because He did not know it was going to end this way. (laughter) Right! And so you know you meet Jesus and He says, “I can’t believe this. We don’t have your condo finished yet, and here you are. (laughter) I honestly thought that you still had work to do here on earth, but what are you going to do? We live in a contingent universe and there was no way to predict where that guy was going to turn. He has free will.”

Can you trust a God who does not know in the morning that you are going to be dead by the afternoon? Can you really trust a God like that? Let’s even make it more cosmic. Can you trust a God who does not know but that some people might actually gang together and set off a nuclear holocaust, and that the whole world will be blown up by nuclear missiles, and God did not know it ahead of time because He gave these people free will and they were operating on this basis, and now God is faced with a world that’s been blown up when He had so many other plans that He was going to do? And here it is. It’s all in shambles.

Does it not almost make you want to weep for God? Doesn’t it make you feel sad that He’s so finite? I’m so glad that the god that these people talk about is not the God of the Bible. And you know I think that down deep in their hearts they know that too. If they were faced with a man who had a gun and he was pointing that gun at them, even though they’d say, “Lord, we know that You have no idea how this is going to end up, even though we know that you have no control over this gunman, Lord, could you possibly do something?” I think they would begin to pray like the rest of us would pray, believing that ultimately our future is not in the hands of fate. It’s in the hands of God. And that’s the God that I commend to you today at Moody Church. I want you to have a God whom you love, and a God whom you can trust, for whom there are no surprises. That’s what I want for you. And I love Him. And I hope that you love Him, and I hope that you trust Him, and know that not a single thing can happen to you without Him knowing ahead of time.

Well, those strings on the violin, folks! Listen, you give up God’s omniscience, you immediately have to make Him finite. If He’s finite with regard to knowledge, you have to make Him finite with regard to power. One of these theologians says, “Well, He’s doing His best.” Well, I know a lot of people who are doing their best and not getting anywhere.

So He’s finite with regard to power. He’s certainly finite with regard to wisdom because He has no idea where this is all going to end up. He couldn’t predict the fall or anything else. No, that’s a different god.

Now, I want you to take your Bibles and turn very briefly, and I’m sorry that it has to be brief, to Psalm 139. And I think that the best thing that I can do today is to simply give you an outline, and make a comment, and tell you that at some other time I’ll preach a full sermon on this marvelous Psalm.

The Psalm of God’s knowledge! I want you to notice in verses 1 to 6 he says, “Oh God, you know me continually,” or rather, “You know me exhaustively. You know me entirely.” That’s verses 1 through 6. “Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise. You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down. You are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely.” Well, how could that be if He doesn’t know what I’m going to say? Well, anyway, let’s leave that.

“Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely, oh Lord. You hem me in behind and before, and you’ve laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.” He’s saying, “I can’t grasp it.

I began this message talking about libraries filled with books all about you. What a remarkable thing that is. I can’t grasp it. We have computers today that have so much knowledge and so much information, I look at it and I say, “It’s overwhelming. How can these computers know that much?” Well, they know a lot but they don’t know the number of grains of sand you had on your shoe when you stepped onto the sidewalk this morning, and God knows that. “You know me entirely.”

And then he begins to think if there is some way for me to get away from all of this. I once read a story about a man who was in a prison and he was guarded 24 hours a day. He said as he looked through the bars he could always see two eyes and how freaky it was to have to live in that environment. Well, I want you to know that God has His eyes trained on us that way, and so he begins to ask, “Is there someplace where I can go that maybe God doesn’t see me?”

“Where do I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go into the heavens, you are there! If I make my bed in the depths in Sheol, you are there! I rise on the wings of dawn. If I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me and your right hand will hold me fast. If I say (Here’s my last option.) maybe darkness… (You notice thieves always work in the dark because they don’t want to be seen. It’s tough news. The verses here are tough news because what does it say?) Even the darkness will not be dark to you. The night will shine like the day, for darkness is like light to you.”

All of the sins that we commit in the presence of God, we commit as in broad daylight. They are open to Him. All things are naked and open before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

“Oh God, you know me entirely. God, you know me continually. You even know me prophetically. You knew me before I was born. You knew me when I was a fetus.” Notice it says, “For you created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth (that is, in his mother’s womb). Your eyes saw my unformed body, and all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” There’s no way some drunk can drive into my car and kill me without God knowing about it, and as far as I’m concerned, it being a part of His book. Notice that is says, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before they came to be.”

My dear friend, you will never, never encounter a situation in life, no matter how excruciating or how difficult or what a great surprise it is to you, you’ll never be in a situation like that, whether it involves people or events for which the Almighty does not already have exhaustive and accurate knowledge. And that’s why you can trust Him. He’ll walk with you through situations that He knows are coming up.

No wonder David says in verse 17, “How precious to me are your thoughts, oh God. How vast is the sum of them.” He says, “Were I to count them they would be outnumbered by the grains of sand along the seashore.” What he means is not our thoughts about God, but God’s thoughts about us.

As you will see next week, I have this view, which I believe is Scriptural, that God knew us from before the foundation of the world and loved us already and chose us from before the foundation of the world. And do you know what that means? That means that He not only knew me in my mother’s womb, but He knew my mother in her mother’s womb, and all the way back, and all the way back. All these things are known to Him. That’s why you can trust Him.

“When I awake I’m still with you.” Now He begins to talk about what we’re going to do as a result of that knowledge. And he thinks of the wicked. He says, “If only you would slay the wicked, oh God. Away from me you bloodthirsty men.” We struggle with passages like this because he says, “I hate those who hate you (and so forth).” Remember David is talking about people who tried to kill him so he has nothing good to say in their favor, but he also knows that they are going to be judged by God, and he says, “I reject them. I hate them. I’m not going to be among their friends.” But thankfully David doesn’t leave it at that point. Some Christians do. They are very judgmental about others, and then they aren’t judgmental about themselves.

Notice how it ends. “Search me, oh God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

If you are in the habit of underlining in your Bible there are three words to underline – search me, test me and lead me.

Search me! Virtually every time I come before the Lord, I say, “Lord, search me.” If I wait long enough, there is something in my heart that has to be confessed. There is something that isn’t right. Now you say, “Well, why does David pray, “Search me?” It’s because he already said in verse 1, “You have searched me and known me.” Do you see the connection in the Psalm? What he’s saying in verse 1 is, “You have done it,” and now in verse 23, “God, I know that You have searched me. I know all this about me. Why don’t You now shine Your light and show me what You see because I’m blind to it unless you graciously reveal it to me.”

Search me! You know that old story about a woman who came to a pastor and said, “You know, there’s something wrong in my life, but I have no idea what it is.” He said, “Get on your knees and guess at it.” Good advice! Just guess at it. Most of the time we know right well if we get quiet before God. We know exactly what it is. Search me!

And then he says, “Test me and see whether I have anxious thoughts (and he had some anxiety because of the wicked who wanted to kill him) and see if there is an offensive way in me.” Is there something offensive within me? And God will show that to you. I’ll tell you, He is faithful.

And then he says, “Lead me.” You know we always have people who are praying for leading. “Oh God, please lead me. Show me your will, oh Lord.” Lead, lead, lead! And sometimes we don’t say, “Lord, seek, seek, seek! Test, test, test!” Once you have (What shall we say?) the seeking of God, then you have the testing of God, and usually the leading of God follows.

Ken Barker wrote:

Search me, oh God, and know my heart today.
Try me, oh Father, and know my thoughts, I pray.
See if there be some wicked way in me,
And lead me, oh Lord, in Your everlasting way.

God knows everything. You never surprise Him. You grieve Him, but you never shock Him. He knows everything and because of that we can take confidence that He loves us and He accepts us on the basis of His Son thankfully because it could be terrorizing to think that He knows everything. But think of the comfort that it is. Have you ever been misunderstood? Have there been ways that you’ve never been able to make your point with somebody? Isn’t it wonderful to know that God knows?

Let’s pray together.

Lord, I pray, and would you as a congregation pray with me in your heart? Would you say, “Lord, search me?” And it can’t be done in just a moment so take that home with you. “Try me, test me, lead me.”

Grant that, Father, we ask in Jesus’ name, and thank You, Father, that You are a God who knows all things. Amen.

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