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Sermon Series

The Reformation: Then And Now

Erwin W. Lutzer

Why should we be interested in the sixteenth century reformation? Most evangelicals think we have no need to rehash the issues that divided the church centuries ago. These eight messages argue the opposite: the basic theological clarifications that divided the church back then are still relevant today. Join us and see how God used imperfect people to carry the gospel onward from generation to generation.


Sermon 01

A Dark Night And Two Morning Stars

January 7, 2007

Before Luther, God was already raising up men to speak the truth against the corrupt Roman Catholic Church. 

Sermon 05

Zwingli: When Baptism Means Drowning

March 4, 2007

Ulrich Zwingli passionately defended that the elements of the Lord’s Supper were symbolic of Jesus’ body and blood. 

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