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Sermon Series

Christ Before Bethlehem

What Isaiah Predicted About Jesus Centuries Before His Birth

Erwin W. Lutzer

Of course Christians know that the coming of Jesus was prophesied. But what is not as widely known is the accuracy with which the ancient prophets saw the future of the coming Messiah. These messages, all derived from the book of Isaiah, help us understand both the first and second coming of Jesus as revealed centuries before His birth. You'll be encouraged to trust your Bible and the Christ presented within its pages.


Sermon 01

Christ The Son

December 4, 2005

The boy of Bethlehem is the Mighty God, Prince of Peace, the Father of Eternity, and the supernatural Counselor.  

Sermon 03

Christ The Servant

December 25, 2005

Jesus’ mission gives meaning to the manger.

Sermon 04

Christ The Deliverer

January 1, 2006

We carry on the work of Jesus, reaching out to the oppressed.  

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