Resources About Islam
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Uncovering Islam's Agenda For America
The Tipping Point: Uncovering Islam’s Agenda & Restoring Biblical Truth Our trip to Turkey is still vivid in my mind. In 2009, Rebecca and I visited the sites of the “Seven Churches of Revelation.” In the town of Philadelphia, I remember seeing the ruins of a destroyed church building, but next to it was a beautiful, well-kept mosque. I was thinking, “What did Jesus mean when He assured this first century church in Philadelphia, ‘I have set before you an open door which no one is able to shut’?” (Revelation 3:7). At each of the seven ancient cities, we saw … Read More >
Terrorism, Refugees, and Our Security
The war is raging. Months ago on television, when I saw the body of a two-year-old boy washed up on a shore, the victim of a capsized boat filled with refugees fleeing the horrors of ISIS, I wanted compassion to win. This precious child represented tens of thousands of refugees who are dying of hunger, lack protection from the weather, and are just plain exhausted. With incredulity and sorrow, we watch the hordes of weary immigrants march across rugged terrain, and pray that they can find a new life. In response to the crisis, several European countries have welcomed these … Read More >
Is There Hope For Peace In The Middle East?
Why the Middle East Awaits the Coming of Christ I’ve just recently returned from Israel, a land drenched in history; a land acquainted with war; a land to which all believers will someday return with our great and glorious King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Until then, we can expect conflict, unrest, and the threat of war. What chance does peace have in the Middle East? In my opinion, none until Jesus returns to establish His kingdom. Naïve politicians speak about a “two-state solution,” “land for peace,” or other bargaining incentives to bring peace. But I believe all of these plans … Read More >
Christmas In The Invisible Church
No Christmas Celebrations in Turkey There will be no Christmas Celebrations in Turkey, this year! Rebecca and I visited Turkey (Asia Minor) this summer, where Paul spent most of his time planting churches. It is also where the famous Seven Churches of Revelation existed, which his why we toured the country, and when we visited all seven of these sites, we were dismayed at what we saw. The Seven Churches of Asia Minor no longer exist. I am not talking about church buildings—I’m talking about congregations, the fact that there is no visible Christian presence of any kind in these … Read More >
An “Arab Spring” Or An “Islamic Winter?”
An “Arab Spring” or an “Islamic Winter?” The assassination of Muammar Gaddafi marked another victory for the “Arab Spring”—the revolutionary wave of demonstrations, protests, and fighting that has shaken the Arab world, including Egypt, Libya, Tanzania, and at least a half dozen other Arab nations. Dictators in other such countries must be “shaking in their boots,” as the saying goes. No wonder several leaders in the region agreed to step down, heading off uprisings in their own countries. These protests are extraordinary in that they involve people who have, for the most part, suffered silently under cruel dictators who wantonly … Read More >
Confronting Dangerous Cultural Myths
When I wrote the book Hitler’s Cross, I explained some of the “cultural myths” that fed into the Nazi agenda and thus made Hitler’s Germany possible. These cultural myths are fueled by propaganda that pushes a culture in a destructive direction. In Hitler’s time there were several powerful cultural myths, including that the Jews were sub-human, that whatever was good for Germany was good for Christianity, and that obedience to the state transcends individual conscience, among others. Eric Hoffer said that, “propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.” The further we drift from God as … Read More >
What Muslims Believe
Recently, I took a cab from The Moody Church to downtown Chicago and immediately began a conversation with the driver. He was from Damascus, Syria; he intends to return to the Middle East permanently next year. When I found out he was a Muslim, I asked whether he knew the Qur’an by memory. “Yes,” he said as he picked up his copy from off the dashboard, “I read it every spare moment.” Then he picked it up a second time. “I forgot to kiss it,” he said as he put the book firmly to his lips. “Do you always kiss … Read More >
Prelude To Terror
ISIS, Antichrist, and the Great Tribulation: Biblical Prophecies Explored! We live in a world where ISIS brutally murdered thirteen teenagers…for watching a soccer match on television because they might be exposed to western ideas and ideologies. The reports of these unspeakable atrocities flood our hearts and minds almost daily…babies beheaded, women and children killed, and young girls and older women raped repeatedly. In fact, one young woman I saw on the news was begging to be killed, because she and her friends thought they would be better off. She told chilling stories of how they were being repeatedly raped, whipped, … Read More >
Islam's Agenda For America
The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent My most important book, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent—an informed response to Islam’s war with Christianity, was released by Harvest Publishers early in this new year. I began writing this book several years ago after Rebecca and I toured Turkey, visiting the cities where the seven churches of Revelation were located. Of course, those churches disappeared in the early centuries, but Turkey (biblical Asia Minor) maintained a distinct Christian presence until Islam came and conquered the city of Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453. Churches were destroyed or transformed into mosques; … Read More >
Bin Laden Is Dead, But…
Osama bin Laden is dead, but... Yes, we all were relieved to learn Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces. We all remember the video of him laughing about how the September 11, 2001 attacks went even better than planned. He took delight in all of the evils he planned and perpetuated. But are we really “winning the war on radical Islam?” Just because we have not had a successful terrorist attack since 9/11, does not mean we have nothing to fear from the incursion of Islam into our country. Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney—a man certainly … Read More >