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Information about the history and religion of Islam, and the threat of radical Islamists.

Blog Post

5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer | Strength For The Journey Part 8

Time passes after Abraham's encounter with God and doubts arise in his heart. When pressures mount he decides to take matters into his own hands. The consequences of his decision are still felt today but God offers hope and restoration. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Play On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer." I'm so glad that you joined us again as we take this tour through the life of Abraham. We've entitled it, "Strength for the … Read More >

Blog Post

Trump, Terrorism, and Islam

Several days ago President Trump encouraged Muslim nations to “drive out the extremists. Drive them out of your places of worship. Drive them out of your communities. Drive them out of your holy land and…drive them out of this Earth.” If only that were possible! But the problem is that terrorists cannot be identified in some obvious way so that they can be “driven out.” Yes, in the case of ISIS, such terrorist armies can be routed and hopefully killed. But many extremists simply emerge undetected out of a sincere commitment to the Islamic faith; their motivation stems from taking … Read More >

Blog Post

How to Pray for Paris

Paris. Perhaps, like me, you have been struggling, wondering exactly how we should pray for Paris at this time of sorrow and unanswered questions. Although we might think that these Islamic attacks would motivate the French to seek God and hopefully turn to Christ, most are driven in the opposite direction, angry with anything associated with religion. The French see what religion has done to their country over the centuries; the religion of Islam inspired the recent terrorist attacks, but the wars of religion in previous eras have driven France to accept a radical form of secularism, a dogged commitment … Read More >

Blog Post

The Root Cause of Radicalism

The terror attacks in Paris make us realize that freedom of speech cannot be taken for granted. What happened in Paris can happen in any of our cities, including Chicago. Of course most Muslims are personally against violence and intolerance, but they are irrelevant in our ongoing war with Islamist extremists. The fact is that the radicals set the agenda, and unfortunately, moderate Muslims are often fearful to show personal opposition to the larger, more radical agenda of Islam because they fear being accused of “siding with the enemy” or “falling into apostasy.” Virtually all Muslim terror groups—ISIS, Boko Haram, … Read More >

Blog Post

Evangelical Statement In Support Of Israel

The Elders of The Moody Church join the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) in the Evangelical Statement in Support of Israel. Statement "In the wake of the evil and indefensible atrocities now committed against the people of Israel by Hamas, we, the undersigned, unequivocally condemn the violence against the vulnerable, fully support Israel’s right and duty to defend itself against further attack, and urgently call all Christians to pray for the salvation and peace of the people of Israel and Palestine..."Read the full statement. Prayer As Pastor Erwin Lutzer has prayed in his sermon, Why The Middle East … Read More >

Blog Post

Israel, the Land, the People and the Future

Recently, we returned from our tour to Israel with both exhilaration and sadness. Exhilaration, because God granted us the marvelous experience of reliving biblical events and walking quite literally “where Jesus walked.” What can compare to crossing Galilee on a boat and contemplating the ministry of Jesus, or visiting where He prayed at Gethsemane? But we also left with sadness because there are so many people in that storied land who do not know the Savior and simply do not understand “the day of their visitation.”   Pastor and Rebecca Lutzer on the Sea of Galilee In this brief post, … Read More >

Blog Post

In Defense of Wheaton College

Wheaton College has come under fire for suspending professor Larycia Hawkins for what she wrote on her Facebook page when she explained her decision to wear a hijab to identify with her Muslim neighbors. In her words, “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, are people of the book…And as Pope Francis stated, we worship the same God.” The College has placed her on administrative leave because her comments “raise significant questions regarding the theological implications of statements made about the relationship of Christianity to Islam.” As might be expected, critics have shifted into overdrive in … Read More >

Blog Post

Antichrist and ISIS

Our hearts were saddened to hear of the brutal massacre of 21 Coptic Christians last weekend. We should be consistently praying for Christians living in Muslim lands around the world; we should enter into their suffering, and stand with them as best we can against their enemies. We are not at war with Islam, but clearly radical Islam is at war with us. This is consistent with the history and practice of Islam throughout the centuries; the only differences are the existence of more sophisti-cated weapons and the added motivation of world-wide media such as the Internet. Unfortunately there is … Read More >

Blog Post

The Washington National Cathedral Hosting a Muslim Prayer Service

This Friday, November 14, the National Cathedral will host a Muslim prayer service. A Muslim spokesperson for the event said, “We want the world to see the Christian community is partnering with us and is supporting our religious freedom in the same way we are calling for religious freedom for all minorities in Muslim countries.” The director of the Cathedral’s liturgy affirmed that “this needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamaphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.” Should Christians … Read More >
