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Living A Life Of Bold Faith: An Interview On Focus On The Family

Pastor Erwin Lutzer had the opportunity to discuss his book No Reason To Hide with Jim Daly and John Fuller at Focus on the Family.

In the interview, they discussed the following:

  • How churches are responding to the moral darkness in our culture.
  • Why Christians have an opportunity amid the tremendous challenges of this cultural moment.
  • Where we as the church must focus while faithfully suffering for the Lord.
  • How Christians can respond to pressure from the LGBTQ+ agenda within higher education, businesses, and the court system. 
  • How Christian parents can shepherd their children through today's sexual and gender confusion.

May this interview give us all hope and encouragement as we stand for Christ shoulder to shoulder. 

Get the book, No Reason To Hide, as our thanks for your support of Moody Church Media.

Watch Part 1 on Focus On The Family

Watch Part 2

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