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Day 7 – The Justice of Man

Today’s Reading: John 18:12 - 19:16
Today’s Reference: 1 Peter 2:23 “When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.”

Jesus had six trials before His Crucifixion, and not one of them was fair. Hired witnesses, violence, judges doing double-duty as prosecutors…never has the phrase “travesty of justice” been more true.

How did He respond? He knew He would never have a fair trial; a fair trial would never have condemned Him to death. But He was willing to trust God’s justice in God’s time, so He said in effect, “All of these injustices are going to be retried in Heaven and My faith is so great I don’t need to see justice on Earth.”

You and I don’t always get justice, do we? Not here on Earth, surrounded by fallen Man. When human justice fails, let’s take our example from Jesus. Remember that injustice on Earth never escapes God’s attention. Instead of saying, “God, move over, I’m going to even the score in my own way,” let’s conquer bitterness and entrust ourselves to Him who always “judges justly.”


Father, sometimes I really do want revenge on people who’ve wronged me. Help me turn that desire over to You and wait patiently for the day You will administer Your perfect justice, because You will do it so much better than I could!

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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