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Day 8 – Those Who Mean Evil

Today’s Reading: Acts 2:22-24
Today’s Reference: Genesis 50:20 “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”


Jesus’ trials were unjust, but they weren’t about to derail God’s plan. In fact, God used injustice to get Jesus crucified. Now, that’s not to say injustice is ever a good thing; indeed if we find it in ourselves, we must repent immediately. Like Judas, woe to those people who were Satan’s tools in the death of Christ!

But when evil comes against us, we can take the example of Jesus’ trials—along with the story of Joseph and many others in Bible—to remind us that what some people mean for evil, God means for good.

Maybe you’re suffering from an injustice right now. Maybe someone has come up against you with evil in their heart. God knows and sees your suffering. Jesus understands how you feel. The Holy Spirit is with you. Persevere, seek God’s justice, and look forward to the day He turns this all to your good.


Father, You know what my enemies have in mind, how they have evil stored up to do me harm. I give the situation to You right now, knowing their plans are only a tiny part of Your plan for my good.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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