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Day 29 – The Two Ways

Today’s Reading: Acts 3:11-4:4
Today’s Reference: Hebrews 4:7b “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”


The story of the crucifixion really only affects people in one of two ways.

For some, and I pray you’re one of them, the story softens the heart. It makes us aware of the severity of our sin and the boundless love of God. It draws us to salvation for the first time, or makes us reaffirm our commitment to Christ in fear and trembling.

But for others—far too many others—the story hardens the heart. Every time they hear it, some people are more determined than ever not to believe. And each time they turn away, their heart becomes a little more calloused. The path back to God becomes a little more steep. The time may soon come when they have hardened their hearts so far, and chosen so willfully not to listen, that they simply can’t accept Christ. There is nothing sadder.

Every choice you make either brings you closer to God, or takes you further away. Which path have you chosen today?


Father, I want to draw closer to You. Help me make wise choices and take the steps that will keep my feet on the path of righteousness.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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