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Day 28 – A Personal Love

Today’s Reading: John 14:16-17
Today’s Reference: John 20:29 “Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not see and yet have believed.’”

“Mary,” He said, and she knew Him at last in the tender sound of her name. Of course, Mary Magdalene was not married to Jesus, but she had traveled with Him and joined with other women who had a close relationship with Him. When she called Him “Lord” or “Master,” she knew Who she was talking to.

You and I don’t have Jesus here on Earth to walk and talk with. But through the gift of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, we can still have a relationship with Christ as close and personal as Mary did—in fact, if we don’t, we will not be saved.

You’re not saved because your family is, because you’re baptized, or even because you acknowledge Jesus as the Savior. Salvation comes when you accept Him as your Savior, knowing Who He is and what He has done for you.

You may never hear Him speak your name in this life, but I assure you, if you accept Him as your Savior, you will hear your name in Heaven in a voice so tender!


Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit so I can draw close to You. Thank You that, although You created and maintain the whole universe, You also know my name.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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