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Day 26 – Mary Redeemed

Today’s Reading: John 20:1-16
Today’s Reference: John 1:9-10 “The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him.”

Mary Magdalene stayed at the foot of the cross until the bitter end. She saw where Jesus was laid. After the Sabbath, she was the first one to the tomb, and when she saw it empty, she was so grief-stricken even angels couldn’t rouse her hope in the resurrection.

Nor did she recognize Jesus when she saw Him—looking for a dead body, she couldn’t comprehend a live one. Until God opened her eyes.

To see Mary outside the empty tomb is like seeing ourselves. We can stand our whole lives looking at Jesus and never see Him unless God opens our eyes and hearts to the truth about Him. And then we can choose—will we accept Him or not?

When she recognized Him in the garden, Mary fell to her knees and called Him “Master.” Her life is a picture of how anyone with a personal and honest relationship with God can go from the depths of sin to being a useful member of God’s family.


Father, I admit sometimes I don’t recognize Jesus in my daily life when He gives me opportunities to encounter Him. Open my eyes so I can see Him clearly and call Him “Master.”

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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