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Sermon Series

Till Death Do Us Part

Building a Lasting Marriage

Erwin W. Lutzer

These messages focus on the topic of commitment in marriage, illustrating what faithfulness and integrity mean in the relationship. Because we are so easily deceived when it comes to matters of romance and marriage, Pastor Lutzer also warns us about the danger of being misled by our emotions rather than maintaining our commitment to our spouses and to God. In a world where divorce is common, these scriptural truths are intended to bring us back to the reality of what God intended marriage to be.


Sermon 01

Building A Lasting Marriage

September 9, 2007

A mutual commitment to the marriage covenant surpasses one’s desire for personal happiness. 

Sermon 02

Those Vows Mean Something

May 18, 2008

With a vision of purity and honor, God’s Word counters the lies we want to believe about marriage. 

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