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Sermon Series

Managing God's Gifts

How to Make Eternal Investments

Erwin W. Lutzer

Ever wonder why we have been left on planet Earth? One reason is so that we can manage God's gifts. He has given us time, talents, and treasures for which we will be called into account. In these messages, Pastor Lutzer helps us get free from the pressure of personal ownership by affirming God's ownership of our lives and all we claim to own.


Sermon 01

King Of The Earth

February 20, 2000

Nothing we have is ours, and when we recognize God’s ownership of the universe, we are set free from anxiety. 

Sermon 02

God, The Landlord

February 27, 2000

God owns our environment and our wealth.

Sermon 03

How Worship Happens

March 5, 2000

God gives people the ability and resources to do His work.

Sermon 04

Myths About Money

March 12, 2000

Jesus is our standard in giving. He made Himself nothing in order to give us everything. 

Sermon 06

Managing Our Time

April 30, 2000

We have 1,440 minutes every day and we cannot get them back after they are gone.

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