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John 17

The Greatest Responsibility Ever Given

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | June 5, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

Believers are called to live in the world, but not of the world. What does this mean? Simple: to represent Jesus every day wherever we are. 

The greatest thing we can do in this world is touch people with the truth and love of God. Pastor Wiersbe explains what it looks like to live in the world physically, but be separate from it spiritually. 

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.


Jesus’ prayer for His disciples applies to believers today.

Different people have various jobs and therefore different responsibilities.

The greatest responsibility ever given is the responsibility Jesus has given to believers to take His place in the world.

There are three uses of the word “world”: nature, people, and system (an organized society).

We have the responsibility to represent Jesus Christ in this world.

-       Our first responsibility is that we must live in the world physically.

  • We are in the world physically but not of the world spiritually.
  • We have living water inside of us so we don’t have to lean down and drink from the sewers of this world.
  • We are like spiritual scuba divers. 
  • Jesus did not isolate Himself from the world.
  • Separate does not mean isolation. Separate is identification without infection.

-       Our second responsibility is that we must live unlike the world system spiritually

  • How can we stay clean in this world?
  • We have God’s Word to pour truth into our lives and cleanse our hearts and minds.
  • Jesus knows exactly what we are going through and He is praying for us.
  • Follow the example of Jesus.
  • When the world gets into the church, the church cannot change the world.

-       Our third responsibility is to call others out of the world.

  • Do Jesus’ work wherever God has put you.
  • We are ambassadors of peace to a world that is fighting God.
  • The greatest thing we can do in this world is touch people with the truth and love of God.

-       Our fourth responsibility is to live as those who are going to leave the world.

  • One day Jesus will ask us how we used the resources He gave us to serve and glorify Him.

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