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First Peter

How Different Should A Christian Be?

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | May 21, 1978

Selected highlights from this sermon

Christians are not to conform to the world and its ways, but what does that mean? How different from the world do we need to be? 

As Pastor Wiersbe walks us through four fundamental differences between believers and unbelievers, he reminds us that if Christians aren’t different from the rest of the world, no one will be able to tell that their heart is right or that they represent God.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Christians were not designed to grow in isolation.

Christians belong to each other in the church—not to ourselves nor to the world.

Four fundamental differences that exist between believers and unbelievers:

-       Different appetite

  • Everyone has basic desires that govern their lives.
  • Nature determines appetite.
  • If Christians do not have an appetite for the Word of God, they will not grow.
  • The world today is driven by entertainment.
  • We cannot be fed by the Word of God if something else is filling our heart.

-       Different affection

  • Believers have an affection for Jesus because He is precious to us.

-       Different ambition

  • Believers’ ambition is to be acceptable to God through Jesus.
  • The ambition of the world is to get, advance, and achieve.
  • Christians are called to give and sacrifice.

-       Different allegiance

  • Christians have a dual citizenship with heaven and Earth.
  • Believers must submit to God’s laws above all others.
  • Christians are to be different, not odd. Oddity repels people, but differences attracts and creates curiosity.

Being different from the world allows believers to exhibit the nature and excellencies of God. Do we do that?

If Christians aren’t different from the rest of the world, no one will be able to tell that their heart is right or that they represent God.

When you live contrary to your nature, you destroy yourself. But when you live in line with your new nature, there is growth.

Don’t be afraid to be different from the world while we represent God.

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