Victory In The Valley August 15, 1976 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe As we face the battles of life, we must depend on the resources of the Lord.
Under Authority! April 17, 1977 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe The greatest joy in the world is being used by God.
The Man Behind The Scenes April 11, 1976 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe Jesus gave His all, and in light of that, we have no excuse.
Truth For Sale August 29, 1976 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe Don’t get your truth secondhand—dig for it yourself.
The Danger Of Substitutes May 28, 1978 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe There is no substitute for Jesus Christ and Christian living.
When Jacob Met The Apostle Paul June 17, 1979 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe God is working all things together for good, whether we see or feel it.
This Way To Real Freedom July 2, 1978 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe The way your respond to truth determines your eternal destiny.
Marching To Glory March 19, 1978 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe We can be part of the glory of God when we come to Jesus who is the Judge, Savior, and King.
How To Suffer Successfully May 21, 1978 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe God’s grace is sufficient for our suffering.
Bad Business–Good Business January 23, 1977 Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe Letting people see we believe God’s Word is true by the decisions we make is putting our money where our mouth is.
The Eclipse of God | From Berlin University May 6, 2024 Erwin W. Lutzer Pastor Lutzer discusses the impact of philophy on society today from the steps of Berlin University.