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Truth For Sale

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 29, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

Psalm 23:23 says, “Buy the truth and sell it not.” This psalm reminds us what truth is and the relationship Christians should have to the truth. As Pastor Wiersbe explores the topic of truth, he reminds us that when we choose to give up the truth for some worldly desire or pleasure, we lose our character. We must love, learn, and live the truth through Jesus, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Psalm 23:23 says, “Buy the truth and sell it not.”

Three discoveries we make from Psalm 23:23:

  • There is such a thing as the truth.
    • Our world tries to make truth relative to what each person believes.
    • Relativism is an excuse to do whatever we want to do.
    • God is a God of truth.
    • All of science is based on the truths God built into the universe at creation.
    • God has given us three editions of truth: Christ, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit.
    • Truth is for the heart, so God gave us someone to love.
    • The Bible tells us how to live a life of truth, and the Holy Spirit gives us the power to do so.
    • We must love, learn, and live the truth through Jesus, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit.
    • What is your relationship with the truth?
    • Repentance is acknowledging the truth.
    • We cannot live true lives without a proper relationship to the Truth.
  • The truth costs something.
    • We don’t pay for our salvation, but it cost God something to give us the truth.
    • God gave us our own minds, hearts, and wills; but sometimes we choose the wrong things to love, learn, and live.
    • Jesus had to die for us to have the truth.
    • Other Christians have sacrificed their lives to defend the truth.
    • Are we willing to give up ourselves for the truth?
    • Don’t get your truth secondhand—dig for it yourself.
  • The truth can be sold.
    • We should never sell the truth in exchange for something else.
    • Selling the truth is like deliberately blinding yourself or killing your senses.
    • When we give up truth, we lose our character.

Have you come face to face with the truth?

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