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Reformation Documentary: A Call For Freedom

A Call For Freedom

How The Reformation Rescued The Gospel

A Call For Freedom is a dynamic film detailing how the Protestant Reformation changed Christianity forever. Hosted by Pastor Erwin Lutzer, it presents eye-opening insight into how the Reformation still influences us today. 

Shot in Germany, and granted direct access to key locations of this tumultuous era, A Call For Freedom is no dry history lesson, but delves into the passion and heart of hte provocative monk Martin Luther, calling viewers back to the man's life-changing ideas, which surprisingly, are no less vital for Christians today. 

Executive Producers: Troy Miller, Greg Bogdan, and Erwin W. Lutzer
Producer/Director/Editor: Joel Mains

A Production of NRBTV, Four:2 Media, Moody Church Media.

Release Date: October 1, 2017

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