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My Heart For You Amid The Cultural Distress

Are you burdened by the distress all around you in the culture? COVID-19. Racial tensions. Polarization. Inflation. Pastor Lutzer shares his heart from God’s Word and offers practical insight on how to carry the burden—together. God is the One who preserves your life amid all the stress. Is it well with your soul? 

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Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." I'm so glad that you joined us today because I just want to share my heart with you regarding some matters that are going on in our culture, and give you some hope and some comfort.

You know, we're living at a time when there is so much distress in this world. All of us know about the terrible tornadoes that took place in our southern states several months ago. Not just people dying, though many did, but the total destruction of towns. You think of the distress that those dear people have gone through. It is beyond our imagination. I think, for example, of the fear that is existing in our country today because of the virus, because of the pandemic. We're living at a time when everybody seems to be afraid of something. Add to that matters such as inflation and political wrangling and polarization, racially and in other ways.

I was reminded of the words of scripture in chapter six verse two of the book of Galatians, where the apostle Paul says, "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Recently I've been asking myself: how am I contributing to bearing other people's burdens? There are various ways that we can do that. We can call them on the phone. I've been doing that recently with some people who are going through some very deep waters. We can contribute money to them personally or to organizations that are helping them. We can also go—perhaps we know a family, we know a situation in which we can physically go to help them. I want us to realize that the body of Jesus Christ exists not for us simply to live with independence but interdependence. "Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Would you take time today and ask yourself a simple question, "How can I bear someone else's burden?" There's someone whom you know who needs you today.

I want to give a word of comfort. You know, back in the year 1563, the Heidelberg Confession was written and sometimes we don't pay a lot of attention to those confessions but, my, they are rich in scriptural truth. Of course, the Confessions, as you might guess, came out of the University of Heidelberg. That was a different day when righteousness was emphasized and when the Gospel was widely believed. Let me read to you from the Confession. It was, of course, done in question and answer form. "What is your only comfort in life and death?" The answer? "That I am not my own but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all of my sins with His precious blood and has set me free from the power of the devil. He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my Heavenly Father, not a hair can fall from my head. Indeed, all things must work together for my salvation. Therefore, by His Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for Him." Isn't it wonderful to go back to the basics in a world that has lost its way in the midst of all of the shouting that we find in today's world? It's wonderful to be able to look at God's word and to say that He is in charge, we belong to Him and all will be well.

But let me return to the emphasis that I gave you just moments ago. Think through what it means for you today to bear someone else's burden. Make a phone call, pray, give—"and so fulfill the law of Christ." Thanks so much for joining us and I certainly hope that you join us again next time for "5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer" but as for today you just go with God.

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