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Standing on God's Promises in the New Year

This is Pastor Lutzer, wishing you a very blessed New Year.

We don’t know what 2018 is going to hold, but this much I know (and I’m sure that you are assured of it as well), and that is, we are going to live our lives dependent upon the promises of God.

When I was a boy growing up, we used to sing the song Standing on the Promises. Well, that’s where I want to stand this year; and I hope that that’s where you want to stand! Because it’s the promises of God that can take us all the way from January 1st to December 31st depending upon a God who speaks with clarity, and Whose Word we can trust.

Welcome to 2018!

Receive a special pack of 52 Promises of God cards to help you focus on the promises of God this year. We have collected verses that Pastor Lutzer has found personally meaningful and have made them available for a donation of any amount. You can find this special gift here: Promises of God Verses.


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