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Merry Christmas from Pastor Lutzer!

Hi, Pastor Lutzer here wishing you a very blessed Christmas.

Let us remind ourselves that Jesus Christ came into a very dangerous world. And our world is dangerous. It’s dangerous internationally; it’s dangerous even domestically as we think of the tensions that we have in our nation today. And if you live in Chicago, you would even say it is dangerous locally, because of all of the violence that is going on. But remember, Jesus calls us also to live in a dangerous world; to represent Him; to give, even as we have been given to, thanks to our wonderful Savior.

Whenever I think of Christmas, I think of the coming year; and can we resolve that this year is going to be memorable? Not because of all the things that have been given to us in terms of presents. But, because of what God gave to us, we in turn give to others. So let’s think of those people to whom we can give who can never pay us back, and we will have a year where Christmas is 365 days--an entire year of giving, because we have been so generously given to.

God bless you, and have a wonderful Christmas and a very joyous New Year!

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