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The Master's Mandates

He Works With Us

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | April 9, 1978

Selected highlights from this sermon

When it comes to sharing the Gospel, how well are you doing? Most of us have the money, manpower, education, and methods to undertake this task, but do we have the motivation? Chances are, if we measured our success like a modern corporation, we would all be fired. 

In this message, Pastor Wiersbe shows us the incentives—the motivation—we need to get us on the right track of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the entire world.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.


Jesus never promised the church would win or change the whole world.

The Bible does say we have the responsibility to reach the whole world.

We have not yet completed this task.

If we measured success the way a corporation does, we would all be fired.

We have the money, manpower, education, and methods, but we have no motivation.

Three incentives from Jesus to preach the Gospel to the whole world:

-       The Lord commands it (Mark 16:15).

  • Jesus was the servant to everyone in Jerusalem.
  • Jesus is also the Lord, and He commands us to go.
  • If I am not available for the work of the Lord, why should He be available to me?
  • These are direct orders from headquarters.
  • Our sphere of ministry is all the world.
  • Our responsibility is where we are and where we are not.
  • We can help others go where we cannot.
  • The way some of us share the news of the Gospel you’d think we belong to God’s Secret Service.
  • We either obey or disobey His orders, there is no neutral response.

-       The world needs it (Mark 16:16).

  • Baptism is not what saves, but believing and baptism go hand in hand in the Bible.
  • But how can someone believe if no one preaches the Gospel to them?
  • How can they hear the Gospel if no one brings it to them?
  • The Gospel is the only gift that is suitable to the whole world.
  • When we look at the world what do we see? 

-       The church can do it (Mark 16:17-20).

  • Whenever a Christian wants to do something, the devil sends someone to say they can’t.
  • The church today is afraid to step out and do something, but the Lord works with us.
  • Jesus is still the servant that is working with us (not instead of us, but with us).
  • The church is the means to the end.

Jesus is talking to the physical local church when He commands us to share the Gospel.

He is waiting for us to say we will.

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