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Standing Together Into 2023 | New Year Greeting

As we move into 2023 by God’s grace, we stand shoulder to shoulder together for the sake of the Gospel. Pastor Lutzer shares an exciting ministry update. From all of us at Moody Church Media, thanks for your partnership in ministry and Happy New Year! 


Well, this is Pastor Lutzer. I want to wish you a very blessed New Year. And I want to thank the many of you who support the ministry of Running To Win with your prayers. And those prayers are incredibly important with your gifts because together the Gospel of Jesus Christ is going to millions of people.

As we look back over this past year, we can rejoice in the fact that we've been in 20 different countries in four different languages. We've added radio stations. For example, now we are heard in Washington D.C. And as we look toward the future, it is our hope and our prayer that, in the New Year, Running To Win will be in three, brand new languages. That can only happen because of people just like you. That's why I'm thanking you from the very bottom of my heart.

You know, the Apostle Paul, in Ephesians chapter 6, speaks about the "shield of faith" which we should take up as we go into enemy territory. I've discovered that those shields were beveled, that is to say, they were interlocked so that when the soldiers marched forward it was like an entire wall invading the territory of the enemy. I like to think of you as being one of our shields. Together we are able to conquer territory for Jesus Christ. And I'd like to be able to look back after this year is over, if God gives us that privilege, and to say that thanks to our many, many partners–partners just like you–the Gospel of Jesus Christ has gone to millions.

From my heart to yours, as you enter the New Year, always remember it's all about Jesus! Thank you so much.

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