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5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer | Children Of An Awesome God Part 3

If you are a Christian, then you are a joint-heir with Christ. What does that mean? It means that you are set to inherit everything that belongs to Christ in God the Father. That's what it means to be a child of an awesome God!

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Transcript: Welcome to Five Minutes With Pastor Lutzer. I'm so glad that you've joined us for this very special study titled "Children of an Awesome God." Everything that we're discussing is from the eighth chapter of the book of Romans. We're learning what God has done for us in Jesus Christ.

Now, if you were with us last time, you know that we were talking about adoption. This of course is discussed in Romans chapter eight, verses 14 to 17. We become sons and daughters of God. We learned that the Father welcomes us. He's the one who we can call Abba Father—"dearest Father."

But in addition to that, the spirit of God is the one who assures us. The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. And then, the third member of the Trinity is involved, and that is the Son. And may the Lord help us to understand what verse 17 says: "If children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ."

Let that sink into your soul. There's nothing that Jesus has that He is going to withhold from us, because we are joint heirs. When the covenant is opened, when the will is opened, our names are there along with His. You know, if a man dies and leaves behind a million dollars and it's divided among 10 children, each of them gets a hundred thousand dollars. That's not the way this inheritance is. Each of us inherits all things. It's not divided up.

Perhaps you heard the story of how D.L. Moody, when that great Chicago fire happened and his own house burned—you may have heard the story of how he rescued a picture. And by the way, I think I might have seen that picture—at least some people think it's authentic—over in Massachusetts. But be that as it may, someone said, "Well, you lost everything." And Moody said, "No! I'm very wealthy!" And someone said "Well, do you have some hidden wealth?" Well, Moody took his Bible, King James. Turned to the 21st chapter of the book of Revelation, verse seven: "He who overcomes inherits all things." And therefore, he said, he was very wealthy.

Well by the way, if you read that verse in other translations, it changes it a little bit, but the idea is there: that we inherit everything that Christ inherits.

Now, what does that mean in practical terms? When Jesus returns to Earth on the Mount of Olives, who does He bring with Him? He brings His people with Him. That's what the Bible says—He returns with His holy ones. We are now a part of the family; and so we come with the Son and we receive His inheritance. And then something else that I've oftentimes contemplated—and perhaps you've heard me quote this verse, because I quote it very often, where it says in Revelation chapter three, "He who overcomes, to him I shall grant to sit with Me on My throne, even as I overcame and sat with My Father on His throne." You say, "Pastor Lutzer, how big is the throne of God?" I don't know, but it's big enough for all of us to sit on it with Jesus Christ and rule with Him forever and ever.

And while I'm at it, don't forget the glory that comes along with it. You say, is that true? John Chapter 17: "The glory, which thou gavest me, I have given them." The Father welcomes us. The Son assures us. The Son crowns us. The Spirit assures us. And the entire Trinity is involved in our salvation.

You know, sometimes we forget some of the great hymns of the past. And you remember that I think that some of the gospel songs that we've sung in the past, we should be learning them today. Remember that one, "My Father is rich in houses and lands; He holds the wealth of the world in His hands. Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold; His coffers are full, He has riches untold. I'm a child of the King." If you've trusted Christ as Savior, that is your nheritance and that is your future.

Thanks for joining us; and join us again next time, by the way, as we continue our study of Romans chapter eight. And as for today, go with God.

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