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Happy New Year!

Pastor Lutzer wants to encourage you to walk into the new year, placing your hand in the hand of the omnipotent God.



Transcript: Hi, this is Pastor Lutzer. Welcome to 2020! You and I have no idea what the future holds. We know that we're going to be hearing a lot of news this year—politically, morally, spiritually. We have no idea what God has in mind for this nation, but nor do we understand what God may have in mind for us as individuals. So I want to give you a word of encouragement as we step into the unknown. Come with me to England. Nazism is on the rise; and England, thankfully, is standing against the Nazi agenda. King George VI reads a poem to his people. Now this poem was written by Minnie Louise Haskins. And by the way, she didn't know that he was going to use it, but he made it famous. And I used to know it by memory, but I'm going to read it because it has another line that I don't think I ever learned. You've heard this poem before, but what an encouragement as we step out into the unknown.

"And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: 'Give me a light that I might tread safely into the unknown.' And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than a light and safer than a known way.' So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me toward the hills and the breaking of a new day." 

As we begin this year, let us encourage one another by putting our hands into the omnipotent hands of God, and that shall be to us better than a light, and we can trust Him all the way to the end. Let 2020 be the year in which we have faith; in which we have the confidence not in our political system, not in a country, not in an ideology, important that those may be—but rather, our hands in the hands of our loving God.


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