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Reviving the Legacy of D.L. Moody in New England

Times have changed!

Pastor Lutzer at Jonathan Edwards's ChurchToday I stood at two historic places in American religious history. The first was in Northampton, Massachusetts, at the church of the 18th century evangelist Jonathan Edwards, who is known for his message, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

And the second was at the grave of the 19th century evangelist D.L. Moody, buried in Northfield, Massachusetts. Although these evangelists were very different, they both preached to large crowds the same Gospel of salvation from sin. Whole cities were affected through their faithful preaching.

Today, Edward’s church is an “affirming” church which long ago changed the Gospel from personal salvation from sin to issues of “social justice.” They speak about justice, but not judgment.

The school that Moody founded in Northfield has also lost its Gospel roots. In fact, most of New England is now spiritually dead.

But God be thanked, it is my privilege to serve on the board of the Moody Center here in Northfield, Massachusetts, which is dedicated to restoring Moody's legacy of evangelism and discipleship.

If you can, join us here in Northfield on October 23, when we will be introducing our vision to the entire New England area. I will be speaking on the topic “Why We Still Need D.L. Moody Today.” We also plan to dedicate this property containing several buildings to the Lord to launch a new ministry center. One of these buildings is the very house in which Moody was born.

Different world. Different culture. Different issues. But the same human need and the same Gospel.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”—Hebrews 13:8

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