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He Will Be the Preacher

My mother told me that when I was a baby…the pastor’s wife…leaned over the crib, gave me a kiss, and said in German, “He will be the preacher.”

God often leads us to where He wants us without us ever being aware of it—until we look back. Erwin Lutzer takes us on his life’s journey from a farmhouse on the plains of Saskatchewan, Canada to one of the most influential pulpits in the United States.

While traversing various roads, seemingly innocent choices turn out to be “destiny decisions.” From being led out of Canada to the United States; from one relationship that he thought would lead to marriage, to the woman God had set aside for him; and from a fortuitous parking spot on a Sunday morning to the pastorate of The Moody Church—destiny decisions were being made without Lutzer realizing it.­

On April 3, 1977, I preached my first message from the pulpit of The Moody Church. Standing there on the platform, I said to myself only half seriously, “If they ever call me to be the pastor of this church, I’ll say yes.”

Three years later, on January 1, 1980, Erwin Lutzer became the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church.

He Will Be the Preacher is not only Erwin Lutzer’s story, it’s a story of God’s loving, guiding hand upon one who submitted himself to God’s will—even when he was unaware of doing so.

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