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Thanksgiving Changes Everything!

If you’ve never experienced the power of thanksgiving, you need an attitude adjustment. When we read Paul’s directive to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Th 5:18), we might think that doing so is either impossible or irrelevant. We might even think we don’t have much for which to give thanks. Yet, this is exactly what Paul taught—we are to give thanks in all circumstances: the bad, the good, the promotions, and the demotions.

Thanksgiving is a game-changer. It honors God by affirming His sovereignty. When we give thanks, we affirm that He is in charge of everything and that He intends to bring good out of that which appears bad. Giving thanks in all circumstances builds faith in our hearts; the weight of our burdens is lifted because we affirm that those burdens belong to God and not to us.

How do we learn to be thankful? Turn every complaint into an opportunity to give thanks to God—and of course, also turn every unexpected blessing into an opportunity to give thanks. We don’t thank Him for everything (such as our sin!) but we thank Him in everything!

By the way, we can show God our gratitude by using what He has given us for His glory. Let us be as generous to others as He has been to us! In this way we prove we are truly thankful.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving,
Pastor Lutzer

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