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A Prayer that Gives God Praise

“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence. I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.”—2 Samuel 22:2-4

This week let’s concentrate on worshipping God with our praise. 

There are times to intercede on behalf of others; there are times to pray for the sick, for finances, and for God’s leading. And then there are times to simply cease asking and start praising. For the next seven days, let us devote ourselves to giving God the gratitude and the praise that He so richly deserves.

You have had the experience of fearing the worst, only to receive the good news that your fears were unfounded. You feared an exam and were so relieved when you discovered you’d made the grade. Or you’ve just been pronounced free of the cancer that was discovered a few months ago. Then again, you may have received some unexpected but much needed funds in the mail. Your heart is gladdened with joy and freedom.

David feared that Saul might kill him. For ten long years he ran from cave to cave and from village to village, staying ahead of the spies Saul had recruited to find him. Years of hiding, scrounging for food, and staying ahead of his murderers drained faith from his soul. So you can imagine his relief when he was spared from the trap that Saul had laid for him.

Here is my proposal: just as we give praise to God in moments of victory and deliverance, let us choose to praise Him similarly even when our future is uncertain. The reason we can do that is because we know that eventual relief from all of our cares is both certain and inevitable. We should say with David, “I will praise the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

Let this week be one of giving constant praise to God, limiting our actual requests to few in number. Pray Psalms such as 103 and 145. Let the Lord transform us through the power of praise.

Let Us Pray

Father, let me continually give You unrestrained praise. I thank You that I am alive to serve You today; I praise Your name because You have counted me as Your own. Though Satan has attempted to destroy me, You have protected me and delivered me from his grasp. I bless You because Your promises are ever with me. And Your presence is above me, beneath me, and on all sides. I affirm that there is no circumstance that I must endure alone; by Your grace I want to give thanks in all things.

I pray for ____ and ask that You will help me to know how to motivate him to join me in giving You praise. Let us together believe that praise not only glorifies You, it strengthens our faith, and affirms that You are in charge of the wider universe not just our small world.

Help us to remember to give thanks in all things and offer prayers of adoration throughout this day.

In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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