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A Most Powerful Prayer for What it Means to Honor Christ until We See Him Face to Face

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”—Philippians 1:9-11

Today we come to the prayer that I personally pray for each of my grandchildren individually each week. If this prayer were answered, it would encompass the hopes and dreams of any parent or grandparent. No prayer covers so much of what is essential for all of us in our walk with God. Obviously, this is another prayer that is line with God’s perfect will.

Love is the supreme virtue in Christianity; love for God and others sums up the heart of the Law, and God’s intention for us all. Love comes from God; for “God is love,” thus it is birthed by the blessed Holy Spirit of God within us. For our love to “abound more and more” is a prayer that we might be God-like.

Next, this love abounds “with knowledge and discernment.” That is, we must have a sure knowledge of the Scriptures and God’s truth, but also discernment—the ability to apply God’s revelation to the issues of life. Today, this is more important than ever. Insight into the reality of a situation is what Paul prays for.

Surely there’s no prayer as important as that “we might be pure and blameless for the day of Christ”—to live without moral failure, and to be separated from the sins of the world which abound on every hand. In an age of technology and moral breakdown, we need the spiritual and moral strength to live pure and holy lives just as God expects.

To be filled with the “fruit of righteousness” is, of course, a further explanation of what it means to be pure and holy; it is allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way in our hearts to produce the fruit that is so special to God.

Finally, we’re to do all these things “for the glory and praise of God” with the single motive of giving God glory which summarizes all of His perfections. Indeed, our only motive should be to give God the praise that He deserves. Paul concludes the prayer with eternity in mind; we are to be pure and blameless for “the day of Christ.”

Pray this inspired prayer every day this week, memorize it and meditate on its profound beauty and godly aspirations. Pray it for yourself and for others. You will be blessed and God will be honored.

Let Us Pray

Father, thank You for giving us the resources to live extra-ordinary and supernatural lives that bring praise to Your name. And now, I pray Paul’s prayer for myself...(pray the entire prayer)

And now I pray this prayer for _______ that they might be kept by Your divine power and that their love may abound….(repeat the entire prayer).

In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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