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Day 16 – A Disciple’s Duty

Today’s Reading: Mark 10:35-45
Today’s Reference: Mark 3:34b-35 “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.”


“Behold, your mother!”

When Jesus was arrested, the disciples all fled in terror and shame. The only one at the foot of the cross that day was John. Apparently he also had fled. Imagine his guilt as he slunk back to the One he’d promised to serve—the One in whose kingdom he’d hoped to be exalted!

Now imagine his incredulous joy, even at such a painful time, when Jesus entrusted Mary to him. Those few words told him everything. He was forgiven. He was still loved. And he was to care for someone precious to Jesus. His immediate response made it clear he’d given up all thoughts of being exalted, and was glad to serve any way he was asked.

Who has your Savior entrusted to you beyond your immediate family? A young man or woman from a non-believing home to mentor, a bedridden saint to visit, a single parent to comfort and help? Look around with John’s eyes today, and behold your new family members!


Father, I want to serve You. Show me those brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers I didn’t know I had, and help me find ways to minister Your love to them.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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