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Milestones With The Master

His Baptism

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | February 20, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

Jesus’ public ministry began when He was baptized by John the Baptist. It is important for us to understand why Jesus was baptized because it involves us as His followers and Christians. Our baptism means that we are identified with Christ through His death, burial, and resurrection.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Jesus’ baptism must be examined in the full context of the Bible.

Baptism has two meanings. Its literal meaning: to immerse. Its figurative meaning: to be identified with.

We must understand why Jesus was baptized because it involves us as His followers and Christians.

Three reason Jesus was baptized that help us understand our own spiritual relationship with Christ:

-       Jesus was baptized to reveal who He is.

  • Jesus’ baptism was His presentation to the people of Israel as the Son of God.
  • John the Baptist prepared Israel for the Messiah through his baptism of repentance.
  • Our baptism today reflects on the finished work of Christ.

-       Jesus was baptized to endorse the ministry of John the Baptist.

  • John’s ministry was given to him by God.
  • John prepared the way for Jesus by calling sinners to repent and look for the coming Messiah.
  • If the nation of Israel had listened to John the Baptist, they would have been saved a lot of trouble.

-       Jesus was baptized as a picture of the way He saves us.

  • We are saved because of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.
  • The dove landed on Jesus as a picture of the Holy Spirit coming to Him.

Our baptism means that we are identified with Christ through His death, burial, and resurrection.

When we trust Jesus as our Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit.

Our baptism in water is an outward expression of our inward experience.

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