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Resources About Sexual Immorality

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Information on what the Bible says about sexual immorality, and how to break free from an immoral lifestyle.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


Can a calling that the Lord has for a person be rescinded if they become ensnared in a sin like …


Well you know, this is an excellent question and it’s being asked by many pastors and Christian leaders.

And I …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I had a good marriage but I became unfaithful.

I know God has forgiven me, but Pastor Lutzer, why is …


Well Ronald, first of all I’d like to say that sexual sin is very serious and people oftentimes underestimate the …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


It wasn't until my marriage failed totally that I found freedom from sexual sin.

And even then, it was only …


Well Joe, thank you again for asking your question because there are tens of thousands of people who have the …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have an older brother who is having another affair. He’s confided in me about these relationships.

Now he’s involved …


Well Larry, my heart goes out to you. And you’re in a very, very critical situation, but I do need …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I need reconciliation with my wife who hasn’t talked to me for three years.

For five years she witnessed to …


Isn’t it interesting that no matter how many questions I answer, every one is unique, every one is different.

And …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m a single lady (with no children) who has a sexual partner.  I do not feel close to God and …


Thank you so much for writing to me and for asking that very, very important question.

I’m glad that your …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Our young adult daughter is dating a professed Christian man who goes to church.

He’s involved with the youth ministry …


First of all, thank you so much for writing. My heart goes out to you because Rebecca and I have …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


If a woman’s husband is into pornography, what should she do about it?


Well Julie, first of all, let me say, I’m so glad that you connected with us, and your question is …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I’m dating and would like to marry a man whom I’ve known for many years.

We both have a lot …


Arlene, thank you so much for writing to me. And I need to speak to you very plainly because I …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My husband has been involved in an adulterous relationship with a divorcee. She’s now pregnant and so my husband has …


Well Cheryl, what a story, what a situation, what a challenge.

Let me say a couple of things. First of …

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