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Ruth Resources

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Empty Cupboards, Empty Stomachs

Despite famine and heartbreak, we see God moving forward with His plan of redemption in the lives of Naomi and Ruth… all the way to Jesus.


Providence In Waiting

Obedience always requires faith, surrender, letting go, and trusting an unknown future to an all-knowing God.


Fellowship In Sufferings

Hesed is not just the love God extends to us, it’s the love He calls us to extend to one another.


Running To Reality

When we’re experiencing loss and pain and heartache and grief, it either drives the roots of our faith deep into who God is for us or uproots us altogether.


Redeeming Love

Jesus is setting right all that went wrong in Adam. Where Adam failed, Christ prevailed.


Manipulating Grace

We have to wait upon God’s perfect timing, submit to His perfect will, and rest in His perfect sufficiency.

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