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Resources About False Doctrine

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Information on how to discern the difference between false doctrine and God's Word, and how believing in false doctrine can lead to destruction.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


It seems that one hears an abundance of prosperity teaching on Christian networks these days.

My question is this: Why …


Robert, this is not an easy question to answer and it might not have a yes or no kind of …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


Yesterday, I heard Dr. Lutzer say that some Christian denominations are “not preaching the Gospel.”

Exactly what does he mean …


Well Chris, indeed, many pastors don’t preach the Gospel.

They may be believe the Gospel and may even be converted, …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have questions about Mormonism, especially in light of Mitt Romney’s comment during the 2012 campaign, “I believe in Jesus …


Betty, you’re absolutely right. I hope everyone realizes that. When Mormons speak of Jesus Christ, they’re not talking about the …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have heard you speak on the dangers of false prophets.

I may be incorrect, but it seems you are …


Yes Calvin, I believe that some preachers can also be spoken of as false prophets.

There is an emphasis on …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


What are your thoughts about contemplative or emergent churches? I’m very interested in your answer. 


The emergent church, what a topic, Catherine. Let me start by saying that among emergent churches there is great diversity. …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My 90-year-old mother is a member of a certain denomination.

She’s being taught that only members of that particular denomination …


My friend, your mother is 90 years old and I need to tell you up front, it’s very difficult for …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I was raised in a religious home, but I wasn’t saved until 1979.

The people who led me to the …


Teresa, thank you so much for writing to me, because I think that I can help you and shed some …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I received material from some evangelists, and I have grown in my walk with God by what they teach.

But …


Well, Kevin, you’re not the only person for whom it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for millions of others either. …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have a question about your book, Slandering Jesus.

The subtitle says, “Six lies people tell about the man …


Well let me say this to you, Rehan, it’s true that Jesus didn’t make the exact statement, “Worship me.” But …

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