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Sermon Prep Made Simpler

Preaching isn't easy. But it can be simpler. Pastor Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church in Chicago, equips you to preach with clarify, conviction, and power. In these 3 training sessions, he discusses strategies for message preparation using key words, dynamic introductions and conclusions, as well as illustrations and humor. Pastors can nail it when they preach for life transformation!  

  • WATCH Part 1: There’s hope when your congregants’ eyes start to glaze over! You can help your church members get all they can from the message. Pastor Lutzer guides you how to employ key words, giving an idea where you’re going in the sermon and how you’re going to get there. You’ll get step-by-step examples to help your congregation follow the text’s flow of thought and discover the Bible’s deep truths. Pastor Lutzer offer’s a method to make your sermon preparation simpler, as well as insights from his years of experience developing and delivering messages. 
  • WATCH Part 2: Every week, you prepare a message, praying for lives to be transformed. But your outlines feel scattered, and your delivery feels too much like a stream of conscience. Pastor Lutzer coaches you to develop a coherent message and an intentional preaching calendar. He also provides tips for developing dynamic introductions and conclusions. How do you know when you’ve nailed it? You begin to see lives changed as your congregation bridges the gap between information and transformation.
  • WATCH Part 3: You want to preach with clarity, power, and conviction because, after all, eternity is at stake. But do you ever wonder how much people are remembering of the sermon you’ve prepared for 15-25 hours? How can you illuminate the imagination? What place do illustrations have in a pastor’s sermon? Pastor Lutzer will guide you to ask essential questions in your study room. Find inspiration to share stories and employ humor with skill and poise.

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