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5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer | When The Brook Dries Up Part 1

Today we start a new series from 1 Kings chapter 17. What is it that God has planned for us when the brook dries up in our life? Today, Pastor Lutzer gives two important reminders.

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Transcript: Welcome to Five Minutes With Pastor Lutzer. I'm so glad that you joined us today, as we have a very brief study titled "When The Brook Dries Up." There was an event that I saw on television that actually gave birth to this study. And that is of a woman who lost her house because of the COVID crisis, and all of her goods were out on the street, and she had to find someplace to go. For her, the brook dried up.

That may be your story. May be different; it may be because of a disease, because of the breakup of a marriage, the loss of a job—the brook has dried up. The same day that I actually saw that on TV, I was reading in my devotions in First Kings chapter 17. And I was reading the story of Elijah; and you remember that he was at the brook Cherith, and that brook dried up. Now when we read this—and by the way, I'm going to be giving you seven lessons that we must learn when the brook dries up, but let me get into the text. I wish I had time to read it. I hope that you read it on your own. First Kings chapter 17.

First of all, we see the sovereignty of God in this famine. Elijah is speaking to Ahab and says, "It will not rain on the earth except by my word." Elsewhere in Scripture we read that God commanded the famine. God commands it. And not only does God command the famine—because He has control over nature, God commands the ravens to feed Elijah. That's what it actually says in the text. God says, "I'm commanding some ravens to feed you." And then it goes on to say that when the brook dried up, God says, "I have commanded a widow in Zarephath—" which is actually in Sidon, about 40 miles from where Elijah was— "I have commanded this woman to feed you."

Two lessons for today. The first is, I want you to see God's sovereignty in the midst of your predicament. That God is totally sovereign, even in the midst of what has happened in your life that is so detrimental and so difficult—I want you to see God there. Because He is in the famines.

You know, as a result of riots that we've experienced in the past here in America, in the not-too-distant past, perhaps some of you have lost your business. And you've wondered where you can go. May I remind you that even when people lose their minds, so to speak, God never loses His control. You are where you are by divine appointment. And I want you to see that in the text—that God ultimately has control over events.

There's a second lesson that we'll have time for today, and that is this: that God has many unexpected ways to take care of you. Who would have ever dreamed that ravens would be sent by God, commanded in fact, to bring Elijah bread and meat every morning and every evening? God commanded them to do that!

Bottom line: sometimes when doors close, God has some very unexpected surprises for us just around the corner. Look for that surprise. Because the devil may indeed close the door, but God has another door that you are able to enter. And God does not lose sight of you. Can we just back up in the midst of crisis and say to ourselves, "Here we are," but God is still God; and He has many resources at His disposal—even animals, if He wishes!—even animals to take care of us. God can see around corners. We can't. Expect some door to open when your brook dries up.

You say, "Well Pastor Lutzer, you said you were going to give us seven lessons." Yes indeed. The next five come in the next session together. For today, worship God. And as I close, as I often do, let me emphasize this today: just go with God.

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