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Managing God's Gifts

Managing God's Gifts

How to Make Eternal Investments

  • Format: CD Series

Price: $24.00

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  • CD Series

Ever wonder why we have been left on planet Earth? One reason is so that we can manage God's gifts. He has given us time, talents, and treasures for which we will be called into account. In these messages, Dr. Erwin Lutzer helps us get free from the pressure of personal ownership by affirming God's ownership of our lives and all we claim to own.

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
The Moody Church
Number of Sermons: 
Number of Discs: 
Year Preached: 
Original Sermon Series: 
Managing God's Gifts

Sermons in this Series:

1. King Of The Earth
2. God, The Landlord
3. How Worship Happens
4. Myths About Money
5. The Sermon On The Amount
6. Managing Our Time