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The King Is Coming

The King Is Coming

Preparing to Meet Jesus

  • Format: CD Series

Price: $35.00

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  • Study Guide
  • DVD
  • CD Series
  • Paperback

The return of Christ is the hope of every Christian. Indeed, the New Testament teaches that we should live our entire lives with the return of Christ in mind. “Beloved we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure” (I John 3:2, 3).

If the events associated with the return of Christ take place—and we are convinced they will—no topic is as important as our own preparation for this momentous experience that will end history as we know it.

This series is intended to change our lives by changing our focus. The messages won’t attempt to answer all the questions and differences about the details of prophecy. Instead they will provide a basic outline of future events and increase our love for Christ as we joyfully await His appearing.

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
The Moody Church
Number of Sermons: 
Number of Discs: 
Year Preached: 
Original Sermon Series: 
The King Is Coming

Sermons in this Series:

1. The King Returns for Us
2. The King Judges Us
3. The King Marries His Bride
4. The King Tolerates His Rival
5. The King Judges Those Left Behind
6. The King Destroys Nations
7. The King Returns to Conquer
8. The King Reigns in His Kingdom
9. The King Judges Unbelievers
10. The King Invites Us to Reign with Him